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August 2024 Energy Forecast: Slow Down. Share Hope. Inspired Action.

Take a full, bright, breezy breath. 

As I sit and write this on August 1st, I am writing within the timing of the Turning of the Wheel in the Celtic calendar of the year. Lughnasadh or Lammas is upon us; the ancient festival celebrating the abundance of summer and beginning the first calling to Autumn.  I will be celebrating with my family and also celebrating you. 

It is a joy to be sharing this with you today. I’ve been watching the cosmic energy for these past few days looking for the arrival of August’s energy and it is coming closer and closer. If you are reading this blog between now and Sunday then you will still mostly be living within the silver energy that we’ve had with us during all of July. But from Monday the new, rose gold vibration will be all around us and within us. 

Knowing that many of you are first looking to know whether this month's energy will be easy to meet, or challenging, then I’ll say straight away that it is a delicious, delightful and inspiring energy. YIPEEE.  (I can hear you take a little sigh of relief).  We’ve come out of the high and fine vibration of silver that was here for all of July. I know it would’ve pushed many of your buttons in quite a few different ways, especially those of you who are highly sensitive to how your energy responds to the world around you, but it will also have given you that big gift of expansion and increased connectivity. 

In August we build on this silver energy that shifts towards the rose gold vibration that will be fully here with the new moon on Sunday 4th. 

Have you ever been out for a walk on a summer's day when there’s a warm, strong breeze blowing around you and through your being, caressing your body, your heart and your soul? This August, welcome the cosmic energy in the same way you welcome that caressing breeze;  welcome ease, welcome space, nurture your hope.

This rose gold vibration is going to support, to nurture, to lift, to help you scour off the old skin/old ways of being and celebrate what has always been emerging within you. Your entire energy system is in service to you becoming more you, all the time, every second of every day. That is the way your radiant soul energy moves through your whole-body system, helping you become more you. Helping you evolve with each breath, each step, each thought and each action. 

And that’s not to say that we don’t mess it up or make mistakes, that is in service to our emergence too! All part of the dance of life during which our soul becomes expressed in more and more fullness. 

One thing I do want to note here is that when I write of ‘being more you’, I don’t mean ‘you being more’. This is a weapon of a tagline that is so often used against each of us in mainstream marketing or politics; The urging for us to be more successful, more beautiful, have more money, more status, or more power is a trap that keeps us small and limited. 

I mean that all of your energy systems are in service of you becoming more you. You, in your fullness, in your vulnerability,  in your humour, in your empowered hope, in your joy, in your passion, in your humility, in your compassion, in your commitment to yourself, in your love of life.  

A key question for this month (and the next few years) is, “How hopeful do you feel right now?”

What does it take for you to nurture your hope? 

What do you feel hopeful about? What do you feel hopeless about? 

How are you actively tending to your hope? 

Hope is a powerful energy of radiance, of transformation and it is utterly essential to our human experiencing. In my book, Your Radiant Soul, I write about resilience, kindness, the sense of belonging and your own wild wisdom. Hope is a thread that runs through all of those chapters. 

When you are feeling hopeful your energy systems activate in their cohesive bigness. Hope resides in your core soul and then connects through your radiant soul energy into every part of your body, your mind, and your life.

In my overview of the energy of the year I shared with you the six main energetic themes of the year. One of them was ‘holding hope’ (you can read the full overview of 2024 here: )

I wrote that this year it is important to hold your own sweet hope as tenderly as you hold a newborn baby. Meet your hope with the same level of reverence. As an energy in our world, hope is an energy that is getting quieter. The mainstream story of separation, of patriarchal power over others, of fear, hate, conflict and possession is subverting the energy of hope. Many people have forgotten what it truly means, how it truly feels to experience hope. Hope for yourself, and your beloveds. Hope for the planet. Hope for love. Hope for peace. This year, tend to your hope. Seek it. Befriend it and nurture it until you can be the hope. For yourself and for all of us. Hope generates hope. And together, as soul guardians of each other and of the world, we can regenerate it.

So I ask again, how hopeful do you feel right now? If you had a hope metre what would it be showing you? 

If you could see, sense, visualise or imagine how high your hope is in your body, heart and mind what would it be?

Are you feeling brimful of hope? Hope for yourself and your own life, hope for your family, for your community, for our world, or are you feeling like hope is a very dim flame that you barely notice or tend anymore? 

Emily Dickinson let us know that, “Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all.” While Martin Luther King, Jr. reminds us  “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.” 

Have you lost hope? Or are you tending to it, understanding it to be one of the most vital forces to enervate life? 

In my video this month I share with you a simple and powerful way to align to the vibration and potential of August to boost your energy levels and activate hope in your whole-body system. And then on August 12th I’ll be going live in my membership space, The Gathering Ground to share more about August’s energy, to answer your questions and to share with you a meditation practice to deeply empower and inspire your hope in the world. 

Meanwhile, I wonder what your definition of hope is? I’d love to know. Please share it with us all so we can be inspired.

For me, hope is an energising principle of human life. It weaves us into the very fabric of the world, inviting us to co-create what is waiting to come into being, in harmony, balance and beauty. 

The opposite of hope is disillusionment, despair, fear, anxiety, reactivity, and no longer having the ability to care.  Wherever we look in our life right now we can see examples of all of these.

Maybe the examples are big and startling; when I read the news, when I look at the politics, I can see examples of absence of hope, of hatred, polarisation, determination to be right rather than tending to the care of each other and the world. And yet, there is so much to be hopeful for too. I ensure that I look for and connect into places where hope is a common currency and becomes self fulfilling. I actively tend to my hope by connecting with people who inspire me, by connecting with places that recharge and encourage my hopefulness, by giving myself time and space to get curious about my own hopes, dreams and visioning for the future. The energy of hope is both created by and creates the energy of inspiration and when we have inspired hope, we act!

Are you committed to being a force of hope in our world? Can you bring the energy of hope into your home, your work, your relationships? Can you share hope with others, can you inspire hope? These questions are vibrating through the very essence of the rose gold energy that will be wrapping around us and with us for the month of August. One of the things I’m observing is that for hope to be sustainable it needs to have space, connection and a conscious awareness of the  interconnectiveness of all of life. When I look at the human energy field, when I look at your energy field, there is one thing that is the most clear, the most apparent and that is that we are deeply connected.

We are energetically connected to each other, to the whole of the human race, to all other forms of energy on our planet and in our universe. And this fills me with hope that as humans we can emerge fully in harmony with all other beings in the cosmos. This is the energy of this rose gold vibration. I hope you enjoy it. Just like the wisdom in Emily Dickenson’s poem, it asks very little of you, other than to relax, rest, reconnect, rejuvenate and to tend to your hope. 

Share with us what you are doing to tend to your hope, and what inspires you. Together we are changing the world. 

With much love to you, 



Join me for my LIVE Energy Forecast session!

I will be live on Monday Aug 12th at 3:30pm UK time in my membership space, The Gathering Ground, sharing more about the energetic information housed within the silver vibration and how we are going to be more influenced by it in the upcoming years as it begins to be a defining energy of our times. (Find your local timing here) The recording will be permanently added to the Energy Forecast Archive within The Gathering Ground.


In my Energy Forecast video this month I share with you a simple and powerful way to align to the vibration and potential of August to boost your energy levels and activate hope in your whole-body system.


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