Take a big big breath, throw your arms open and then wrap them around yourself. You did it! May was intense and I’d love to hear how it was for you. I mean it.
Please email me and let me know, or leave comments below my May Energy Forecast YouTube videos.
It seems we are living at a time when battling your inner and outer demons are everyday tasks and often you can forget to take time to celebrate your commitment, your determination to be more you. For a moment, think back to three years ago and take a quick tour down memory lane. Who were you then? How were you then? And now?
You have grown so much. There is so much more of YOU emerging.
If you don't take the time to celebrate the beauty and wonder of yourself and your own life, then it is impossible to really appreciate and celebrate the beauty and wonder of life itself. And there is so much that is beautiful in our world.
What treasures did you find last month as you walked through the dark?
Did you feel alone or supported?
Have you made friends with the dark?
Can you make friends with yourself?
From sitting still, you can be movement.
From being in the dark, you can find your own light.
The cosmic energy of this month shows itself as a blue colour.
It is a very, very high vibration and right now, as I write this, it is high above us, like the sky, like the wind.
There is an interesting paradox being held in this month’s energy. On one hand it will feel like the light blue of the windy sky caressing you, whispering to you, calling your soul into being and urging your movement. And on the other, you will experience it as the cold, penetrative, hard blue of steel, moving through you swiftly and strongly.
How does that sound to you?
Depending on where you are in your processing of the deep and intense cosmic energy of May, you’ll either love the sound of a swift, strong high steely blue moving through every part of you, or it will make you wince. And in all honesty, you’ll probably experience both of these places during the month, for that is the nature of this fast, cutting cosmic energy. The work you did in May will continue to move out of your system, inviting more shadow work and more focus on how to embrace all of your potential, shrug off the old patterns of limitation, examine outdated assumptions and rewrite the old stories about yourself that you believed to be true.
So, firstly, remember to be gentle with yourself this month. When you wobble and feel defeated by the penetrative steel-blue energy, dip out for a while. Take a bath, walk through a park, lie on the ground, go for a swim. Be gentle with yourself, the world and those around you. When you experience huge reactivity, judging others (and yourself), raging against someone or something, take a breath, do the exercises that I lead you through in my June Energy Forecast videos, and come back towards the intention of gentleness.
To a certain extent it is your choice whether you can feel and find the light touch blue of the windy sky, or the biting cold blue of steel. Although, as ever, when you get triggered and shadow comes calling, it can so often not feel like a choice at all.
My advice is to welcome both experiences as they show up.
Remember it is when you resist the energy that is around you and within you that you are going to be most challenged by it. Anytime you feel you are fighting your space, fighting your corner, fighting yourself, then stop. Take a breath. Do this month’s exercises. Change your energy, and know that you change your world in doing so.
By being grounded, safe and strong you can meet ANYTHING that shows up today and all days.
Big themes this month will be all about feeling empowered and taking the next step in your life. Get brave and vision forward.
How are you going to take your wisdom out into the world?
Where do you need to pay attention?
All of your energy fields coalesce around where you put your focus, where you put your attention, and what you give consciousness to, so some essential questions become…
What do you want to give your attention and intention to?
What are you currently creating in this world?
Or in other words, is what you are thinking, feeling, saying and doing what you WANT to be thinking, feeling, saying and doing? And if not, then what is?
Energetically, this high blue vibration invites you to spiral up in your awareness, in order to spiral out into an expanded and joy-filled place. THAT SOUNDS SO GOOD!!!!
Physically this month will be all about your lungs and chest. This space is the centre of your body consciousness, the centre of your mind, and is continually dynamic, rising and falling with the breath of inspiration, beating the rhythm of your heart life.
How do you hear the calling of your soul when the noise of the outer world is so very, very loud?
Listen to your breath, listen to your heartbeat, you’ll hear the song of your soul just behind.
I have released two videos this month, in the first video below, I share an exercise to help you access and align to the sky blue energy so you feel empowered and brave enough to take the next step in your life.
In my members exclusive video we explore what to do when the steely sword bites and how to hold your balance when it feels like things are tough and painful. You can discover more by joining me on my membership channel.
My wish for you this month is that you can pick up the lightness, the swiftness, and the wisdom in the energy all around you and within you so that June holds you safe, strong, and joyful.
With love
I am so happy to let you know about my Energy Forecast membership videos. As well as the regular Energy Forecast video you'll find within these Energy Forecast blogs and on my regular YouTube channel, I am also releasing a second video for my YouTube members that goes deeper into explaining more of the overview and themes of the months and how you can align your own energy to help evolve your health and radiance.
You can join my membership channel by clicking the button below...
Please note, in order to join, you currently need to access YouTube on a laptop or desktop computer, or through the YouTube app on an android device - Youtube apps on iOS (apple) phones and tablets do not feature this join button. Once you’ve joined, you won’t need to go through this step again as you can access your membership videos from android and iOS devices through the YouTube app.