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May 2024 Energy Forecast - Sensuality. Play. Manifestation.

Writer's picture: Prune HarrisPrune Harris

Take a big breath and fill your lungs. Let it all go - you did it! April’s energy was intense and for most of us it was like being in a tumble dryer with peaks and troughs coming one after  the other. But May brings more space, more lightness and a grand creative push. Fertility abounds so wherever you put your creative energy this month will be given dynamic support. 

This month the cosmic energy shines with a chalky green, turquoise vibration. 

It is dancing and pulsing all around you and within you, lending its energy to your transformation and asking some beautiful questions of you. 

The Key Themes of the Month:

  • Creativity

  • Sacred Witnessing of Self

  • Sensuality

  • Manifestation

  • Play

Doesn’t that sound good! You get to dive into the ocean of creativity this month, being able to enjoy more space in your daily life. This is a beautiful energy for giving your dreams, hopes and longings the attention they so deserve. 

Can you tend to your dreams? 

Can you invite your deepest longings to sing their song of desire into your heart and from there to be thrummed into every cell of your being? 

Can you give courage and tenderness to your hopes until they dance into your day, lighting a new way forward for you? 

Energetically, this turquoise energy will specifically influence  your root chakra, inviting an increase in your sensuality, your fecundity, and your creativity. This is going to show up in all kinds of ways in your daily life; 

MORE JOY! Look for it, expect it! Find it even when you doubt it is there. You are being hard wired to notice the weave of the web of life in all of its richness and gifts. Even on the tough days there is beauty around you, life around you; can you look for it? Can you notice it and consciously connect to and absorb that energy? This is a great month to keep topping up your joy so it can flow more and more. 

GET SENSUOUS! Maybe you are in a loving sexual relationship with another, maybe you are in a loving sexual relationship with yourself. Maybe you aren’t. No matter. With your root chakra being energised by this turquoise energy, get sensuous and playful through all of your senses in whatever way works for you.

Be body-based frequently during the day,  consciously putting your attention on what you can touch, taste, smell, feel and hear. Be body-based as you go for a sensual walk, touching bark and leaves, listening to birds, tasting edible flowers, feeling all of your experiences in your body. 

Welcome the world of beauty and life into your day. You are a seamless part of it. 

WELCOME LIFE! Frequently we can be so busy that we forget that being alive is a miracle. A marvel. A wonder. Awesome. Incredible. Wow. You are alive. Just for a little while. (Maybe 8 or 9 decades). And then the next part of the mystery journey. But here, right now, you are part of this mystery of life, living your own unique and precious journey. 

There is no one else in the world right now that is like you. You are unique. Literally. You aren’t only rare, you are UNIQUE. So so so special. And utterly necessary. 

I’m all about healthy boundaries and personally feel that there needs to be a class in every high school about how to say ‘no’ far more often in daily life. I look forward to the concept of always putting other people before yourself being well and truly laid to rest. You are worth always being at the forefront of your daily life. Your needs are equal to EVERYONE ELSE IN YOUR LIFE. YEP. I CAN GET ALL SHOUTY ABOUT THAT. YOUR NEEDS ARE NOT ONLY IMPORTANT, THEY ARE ESSENTIAL. No shame and no blame. Empowering your needs and their place in your life is an essential part of the healing of each of us, personally and collectively. As we all move together from the damage of the patriarchal system we’ve all experienced in the last several hundred years, saying NO kindly, firmly and regularly is VITAL. 

However, saying YES to Life is also a fundamental rewiring that we are all needing to embrace. 

Where can you say YES to life more frequently?

This turquoise energy of May invites you to say YES to LIFE more and more.

What does that mean for you? 

How can you embrace life even more? Perhaps you say YES to a break, or a coffee with a loved one who makes you laugh. Perhaps you say YES to yourself and no to others. Perhaps you say YES to your local park and lie under a canopy of flowers and leaves. Perhaps you say YES to your dog who is wondering about another playful walk even though you have a to-do list as long as your arm. Perhaps you say YES to yourself. Again and again. Again and again. And laugh with love as your soul wisdom emerges more and more, flowing into your everyday life, guiding you in empowered radiance. 

There is a beautiful connectedness to this turquoise energy that encourages you to connect in all ways with lightness. It brings some of the mystery, the music, into our awareness and reminds us of the cosmic dance in a different way than before. It heralds a deep lyricism and you’ll find it easier to flow with it. No shame. No blame.

As well as enjoying the joy and fertility of this month, we are also encouraged to engage in the act of Sacred Witnessing. When you really notice something you engage in an alchemic act of being part of its emergence. You witnessing something helps it form. Your sacred witnessing can birth a whole new energy in our beautiful world. 

Can you notice and witness yourself just as you are, with no shame and no blame? Can you notice and witness others just as they are with no shame and no blame? Can you notice and witness joy? Can you notice and witness peace? Can you notice and witness trust? 

This turquoise helps you practise the skills of sacred witnessing and encourages you to witness the places where the pause of potential occurs. 

The pause between the inbreath and the outbreath, packed with the potential of life. 

The pause between sleep and wake, wake and sleep, packed with the richness of intuition and guidance. 

The pause between action and reaction, packed with the potential of choice. 

Listen and look for the pause in your own life, in your own world. 

What do you need to notice in your own life

What do you need to notice in your connections/relationships? 

What do you need to notice in the world? 

My wish for you is that this month you experience  ease, playfulness and abundant creativity. Get playful with me in my May Energy Forecast videos where I show you simple, playful and profound ways to help your energy align to this month’s turquoise cosmic push. 

To learn more about the energy of this month and to share a deep meditation to activate more peace and effortless joy, join me in my membership space, The Gathering Ground, on Monday, May 6 at 3:30pm UK time. I’ll also answer your questions about this cosmic energy and how it is influencing you. 

Much love to you and your courageous heart, 



Join me for my LIVE Energy Forecast session!

I will be live on Monday May 6th at 3:30pm UK time in my membership space, The Gathering Ground, to share more information and energy practices, and to answer your questions to help you align your energy to this profound energy of April.


In my energy forecast video below, I show you simple, playful and profound ways to help your energy align to this month’s turquoise cosmic push. 


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