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October 2024 Energy Forecast

Embracing your magic, embracing your life


As we enter October, the cosmic energy surrounding and within us is magnificent, presenting itself as a thick, rich brown with hints of indigo—a shade reminiscent of deep, purply chocolate. This is not just any brown; it’s a vibration that pulses with the energies of deep-rootedness, fertility, and connection, interwoven with the expansive and intuitive qualities of indigo. It invites you to think outside your box of habits, normals and ‘usuals’ and see the world in a new light, drawing connections between seemingly unrelated ideas and patterns.

October continues the big expansion energies of September, encouraging you to ground deeply while simultaneously expanding your perception. This month, the energetic theme revolves around stability, deep insight, and a heightened connection with both the mundane and the mystical aspects of life. Here’s how you can navigate this energy, aligning your body, mind, and soul with the cosmic dance around you.

This month, you are held in the embrace of a deep, rich brown energy, which brings a sense of stability, security, and connection to the Earth. The touch of indigo within this brown adds a rolling layer of creative thought, insight, and the ability to connect dots in ways that are not always obvious. This combination allows for grounded expansion - a way to feel secure in your footing while your mind and soul stretch into new territories of thought and creativity.

The thick, rich brown provides an energy that surrounds you like a fertile ground from which new ideas, inspirations, and connections can grow. It’s a colour that speaks from the soil, the roots, and the quiet yet powerful support of the Earth. This is a great time to reflect on where you are feeling rooted, what is yours to harvest, what is yours to rest and allow into a fallow state, and where you might need to plant new seeds of intention, hope, courage and dreaming.

Indigo, with its association with the third eye, intuition, and interconnective consciousness, infuses you with a sense of expansiveness and possibility. It asks you to challenge the way you perceive the world and to find the magic in the mundane. This is a powerful combination that urges you to explore new ways of thinking, to connect with your deeper wisdom, and to find new solutions to old problems or old ways of being.

Together, these energies create a backdrop of deep contemplation and creative thinking. They invite you to expand your consciousness while staying grounded, to connect with both the Earth and the stars. You may find yourself more attuned to the subtleties of life, picking up on the nuances and patterns that often go unnoticed. This is a month to dive into your dreamtime dream big, think creatively, and let your intuitive insights flow forward as your guide. Your wild wisdom is going to LOVE this month’s energy!

What it means for your body: Beating the Brain Fog and Spreading Love

As the rich brown and indigo energies infuse the month, they will affect the body in two key areas; the heart and brain. This month, focus on nurturing the electrical energy fields of your heart and brain to align more fully with these cosmic influences.

Beat the Brain Fog!

Have you been feeling like your head is stuck in a foggy pressure cooker, perhaps you noticed it especially around the time of the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, and Autumn Equinox? You’re not alone. This month, that brain fog might linger, amplified by the thickness of the rich brown energy that surrounds you and moves within it. This energy is inviting a subtle rewiring of your thoughts and a subtle expansion of your consciousness. You can support this by slowing down, taking time to dream, rest and looking to perceive the possible in your world.  BUT! When that isn’t possible due to huge to-do lists, busy schedules and demanding internal and external expectations, the energy of this month could instead lead to feelings of overwhelm, disorientation, and mental fatigue (in other words, BRAIN FOG!).

To beat the brain fog, give yourself time for space to think, dream, contemplate and integrate this subtle rewiring. Slow down your thought processes, take regular breaks, allow your mind to wander and daydream. This month is a fabulous time to engage in activities that both calm and align your third eye and electromagnetic brainfield - try meditation, visualisation, painting, drawing, doodling, dreaming and (as always) be outside in the natural world as much as you are able. This month is great to avoid overstimulation from screens and instead find moments of stillness to recalibrate your processing abilities. When you are able to support your whole body system in this way this month you give your entire energy field what it needs to breathe, expand, and reconnect. This in turn helps you be more and more in your authentic you-ness! And we all need you to be that. 

I have shared two videos with you this month; the first is a fabulous energy practice to help you deal with brain fog and align all of the electrical energy fields of the brain so you can think clearly, process easily, and feel much more clear headed. You can find that video here...

The second video is a meditation that I guide you through to bring alignment for your whole body system as you work with the time-line of your soul.

Spread the Love!

This rich brown energy also deeply grounds you in the heart space, activating your Blood, that incredible and rich-life force that pulses through every part of your body. October is a time to connect with the song of your blood, the rhythm of your heart, and the mystical power that lies within. Your heart is not just an organ; it’s a centre of wisdom, magic, and connection. This month, you’re invited to tune into the wild wisdom of your heart and let it guide you as you radiate into your life and into our world

Embrace ANYTHING that truly nourishes your heart— physically, emotionally, cognitionally and spiritually. This could be through physical movement, like dancing, yoga, or even simple walks that get your blood pumping. Engage in heartfelt conversations, practice acts of kindness, and let the energy of love flow through you. As a conduit between your core soul, your radiant soul and your daily life, your heart is a powerful magician; let it guide your actions, decisions, and connections this month.

What it means for your mind: Embrace Your Inner Magic

Your mind is so powerful, and this month it’s time to recognise the magic within you. You are a co-creator of not only your reality, but our reality, and the way you think, perceive, and choose directly influences the world around you. October’s energy invites you to tap into your magical consciousness, where synchronicities, hunches, and moments of wonder are not just coincidences—they are the language of the Universe speaking to you.

This is a time to consciously identify and amplify the magic in your life. 

Where do you see magic? Is it in the unexpected call from a friend, the perfect timing of events, or the sudden inspiration that strikes out of nowhere? Is it in the fractal beauty of a shell or the vibrant colour of an orange? Is it in the fact that every second of every day you have air to breathe to power your body, mind and soul? These moments are your soul’s way of reminding you that you are not just a participant in life; you are a conductor of it.

Can you make choices that align you with the energy of life itself? Can everything you say, do, think, feel be life-affirming? Really. Just think how different our lives and world would be if we could make life-affirming decisions every day, through every family, society, institution, and nation. 

This month, explore how you create magic in your life - through intention setting, rituals, or simply allowing yourself to see the extraordinary in the ordinary. The rich brown and indigo energies support you in bridging the gap between the mundane and the mystical, helping you recognise that you are a powerful, creative force in the multiverse. Step into your role as a conscious co-creator and let your magical mind guide the way.

What it means for your soul: Honour Your Ancestral Lineage

October brings ancestral energy to the forefront, encouraging you to honour those who came before you and those who will come after. This is a month for remembering, celebrating, and connecting with the wisdom of your lineage. Your ancestors are not just figures of the past; their energy lives on within you, influencing your path and providing guidance from beyond time. And I don’t just mean the ancestors that perhaps you knew, but the hundreds of thousands of people who have added to your personal family tree since the very first humans were born. 

Consider creating a ceremony for yourself and your family. This doesn’t have to be elaborate; it could be as simple as lighting a candle, setting an intention, or sharing a meal in honour of your ancestors. Think about your place in the continuum of time - how you are both a descendant and a future ancestor. What legacy are you creating? What kind of ancestor do you want to be remembered as? These are powerful reflections that can shape how you live your life today.

This month, you are invited to celebrate life, not just for yourself but for all those who have walked before you and all who will come after. Create space for gratitude, connection, and celebration. Consider what wisdom your descendants might seek from you in the future and how you can live in a way that honours their needs.

As an extra video this month, I lead you on a guided meditation into the future for you to bring healing and connection to your life. I hope you use the wisdom you’ll gather in this guided meditation to help shape and inform your actions today, knowing that the choices you make ripple forward in ways that impact life to come.

So! This October is a great time to get excited, connected and celebrate LIFE. 

This rich brown offers you a beautiful blend of grounded stability and expansiveness, inviting you to explore the depths of your body, mind, and soul. Embrace the rich brown and indigo energies, beat the brain fog, spread the love, recognise your inner magic, and honour your ancestors.

This is a month to root deeply while reaching for the stars, to see the unseen connections, and to celebrate the magic that flows through every aspect of your life. 

With deep love from me and my ancestors to you and yours, 



Join me for my LIVE Energy Forecast session!

I will be live on Friday October 18th at 3:30pm UK time in my membership space, The Gathering Ground, to share more insights and understandings about the month’s energy and also to discuss how to support and empower ancestral healing. I hope you can join me. Together we are changing the world. 


In my Energy Forecast videos this month I share with two practices to help clear your mind, and a guided meditation to bring healing and connection to your life.

October Guided Meditation


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